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Ivory Research Interface Data Analysis Services.

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Asset Option Value to Variance.
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Value of Waiting to Invest Relative to Variance.
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Fast Food Survey Respondent Traits.
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Fast Food Survey Favorite Restaurants.
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Visual Tests for Normality in Data.

Ivory Research Interface Data Analysis Services engages in the processing, visualization, modelling and interpretation of large data sets. Analyses range from identifying patterns in customer behaviors to improving supply-chain efficiencies. All services are suited to the goals and objectives clients specify for their data analytics projects.

Working closely with a client, projects focus on business issues from market analyses to value-chain improvement. Project specifications are flexible in order to accord with the methods and processes a client is most comfortable using. Frequent communications with data science teams about the processes involved in analyses help to elucidate data analysis methods and allow for better insights by company decision-makers.

Please browse the Projects and Publications section of this website to see select examples of analyses and techniques that Ivory Research Interface Data Analysis Services utilizes. For more information as to available services for your project, please contact Jackson J. Tan, Ph.D., the sole proprietor.

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